Font Editing And Design Tools In Multimedia


  1. To guide the user in navigating through the application.
  2. To explain how application work
  3. Deliver the information for which the application was designed.

Cool Text Graphics Generator Cool Text is a FREE graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work. Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Embark on a design journey with pro tools for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, typography and collaboration. Start your design journey on the right foot with CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite 2021: a complete suite of professional graphic design applications for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, and more – specifically designed for your platform of choice. Type light is an easy to use font maker software available free for Windows. You can create new font from scratch or can edit any existing. It has various tools to draw and edit font characters, like: pen, line, rectangle, ellipse etc. It has Conner curve, Straight curve, Smooth curve, and Off curve tools also for precisely editing nodes. This professional font editor supports both quadratic- and cubic-based contours and has several smart features to ensure smooth connections where you need them. The validation features help you locate and fix possible outline issues. FontCreator is a true native font editor, so there is no need to buy or install third-party tools or extensions.

# Text consists of two structures:

  • linear
  • Non-linear

# Linear:

  • A single way to progress through the text, starting at the beginning and reading to the end.

# Non-linear:

  • Information is represented in a semantic network in which multiple related sections of the next are connected to each other.
  • A user may then browser trough the section of the next, jumping from one text section to another

Why text is important?

# Factors affecting legibility of text

  1. Size: the size of the text
  2. Background and foreground color: The color in which the text is written in / on
  3. Style: Also known as typeface and font.
  4. Leading:
  • Refers to the amount of added spaces between lines of type.
  • Originally, when type was set by hand for printing presses, printers placed slugs,strips of lead of various thicknesses,between lines of type to add space.

Text technology

  1. Based on creating letters, numbers and special characters.
  2. May also include special icon or drawing symbols, mathematical symbol, Greek letter etc[©™≈ƒ]
  3. Text elements can be categories into:
  • Alphabet characters: A-Z
  • Numbers: 0-9
  • special characters: Punctuation [. , ; ‘ …..] , Sign or symbols [*&^%$#@!…..]
  • Also known Character Sets.


  1. A ‘font’ is a collection of characters of a particular size and style belonging to a particular typeface family.
  2. Usually vary by type sizes and styles.
  3. The sizes are measure in points
  4. This includes the letter set, the number set, and all of the special character and diacritical marks you get by pressing the shift, option, or command /control keys.


  1. A ‘typeface’ is a family of graphic characters that usually includes many type sizes and styles.
  2. A typeface contains a series of fonts. For instance, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow and Arial Unicode MS are actually 4 fonts under the same family.
  • Arial
  • Arial Black
  • Arial Narrow
  • Arial Unicode MS


The technology of font effects in bringing viewer’s attention to content

  • Case : UPPER and lower cased letter
  • Bold, Italic, Underline, Superscript and Subscript
  • Embossed or Shadow
  • colours
  • Strikethrough


  • Spacing above and below a font or line spacing


:Two classes of fonts


  • Decorative strokes added to the end of a letter’s
  • Serifs improve readability by leading the eye along the line of type
  • Serifs are the best suited for body text
  • Serif faces are more difficult to read in small scale (smaller than 8pt) and in very large sizes.


  • Sans serif faces doesn’t have decorative strokes
  • A sans serif text has to be read letter by letter.
  • Use sans serif faces for small (smaller than 8pt) and very large sizes
  • Used for footnotes and headlines



The text elements used in multimedia are:

  • Menus for navigation
  • interactive buttons
  • Fields for reading
  • HTML documents
  • Symbols and icon


  • Be concise
  • Use appropriate fonts
  • Make it readable
  • Consider type style and colors
  • Use restraint and be consistent


Text creating software:


  • Introduced by Apple Text to design text as a bitmap image.


  • Developed by Macromedia for Macintosh and Apple
  • Use to edit the existing font
  • Freehand drawing tools is used to design a font.





communicating data

  • Customer names and address
  • Pricing information of products

Explaining concepts and ideas

  • A company mission statement
  • A comparison of medical procedures

Clarifying other media

  • Labels on button, icons and screens
  • captions and callouts for graphics


  • Is relatively inexpensive to produce
  • Present abstract ideas effectively
  • Clarifies other media
  • Provides confidentiality (password)
  • Is easily changed or updated


  • Is less memorable than other visual media
  • Requires more attention from the user than other media
  • can be cumbersome-not elegant in expression.


  1. Multimedia application and presentations invariably rely to some extent on the use of text to convey their message to users.
  2. Text has many characteristics that the developer can modify to enhance the user expression.
  3. Size,weight, typeface, style, colour, kerning, tracking, etc
  4. Just like any other media, it requires careful planning and creativity.


Ever fancied making or designing your own fonts? The free software listed on this page allow you to create and edit your own fonts.Depending on the software, the program may allow you to create a TrueType, OpenType, Postscript, bitmap / raster font, or some othertype of font.

For those who merely want to use free fonts rather than create their own fonts, please see theFree Fonts andFree Programmer's Fontspages instead. In addition, if you only want to create bitmap or raster fonts, you may also want to take a look at theFree Resource Editorspage, which may have some font editors to create and edit raster fonts.

Related Pages

Free Font Designers and Editors

BirdFont (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc)

The free version of BirdFont lets you create vector graphics which can be exported intoTrueType (TTF) and monochrome SVG fonts. Your fonts must be released under the SIL Open Font licence.The editor works under Windows, macOS, Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD.

(Alternatively, if you are a software programmer, you can download the source code for the software,which the developers have released under the GNU General Public License, and compile it yourself.The program is written in the Vala programming language, so you will need aVala compiler and supporting programs/files like aC compiler, the GLib 2GNOME library, among other things. The self-compiled executable can be used to create fonts which you canrelease in any way you like.)

FontForge: Free Font Editor (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc)

FontForge is an outline font editor that allows you to create and edit TrueType, OpenType, Postscript, CID-keyed, Multi-master, CFF, SVG,and bitmap (BDF, FON, NFNT) as well as many Macintosh font formats. It has many features, including the ability for you to add hintsto your font, either manually or allowing the software to automatically generate hints. (Hints allow your fonts to still look goodat small font sizes.) You can also use the program to convert fonts from one format to another. The software is available forWindows, Mac OS X,Linux, VMS, and so on.

Font Editing And Design Tools In Multimedia
Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO) (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

The Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType is a set of open source command line tools for building OpenType fontsfrom PostScript and TrueType font data. (Note that it does not have a glyph editor, so if you are looking for that,this is not the program you want; try one of the other software listed on this page.) You will need to have aPython interpreter installed onyour system to use the software. It is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Raster Font Editor (Windows)

This is a simple raster font editor that lets you create bitmap fonts. You can save your raster fonts as font resources (fnt), a resource script (rc),Windows bitmaps (bmp) and text files (txt). It is a Windowsprogram.

Font Editing And Design Tools In Multimedia
GNU Font Editor (Source only)

The GNU Font Editor is a graphical font editor derived from GIMP (see theFree Drawing and Painting Software, Image and Photo Editing Programspage for details of this). At present, it is available only in source form.

DoubleType (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris)

Font Editing And Design Tools In Multimedia Software

DoubleType is an open source TrueType font editor for any system with aJava runtime system, whichincludes Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris.

Type light (Windows)

Type light is an OpenType font editor that handles both .ttf (TrueType) and .otf (OpenType PostScript) fonts.Your fonts can have up to 65536 glyphs, which can be mapped to Unicode characters. Besides creating yourfonts using the basic drawing tools, you can also edit TrueType and PostScript curves, convert fonts between TrueTypeand PostScript fonts, and enter basic font names, descriptions and parameters.

Private Character Editor (Windows)

Did you know that Windows XP/Vista/7 comes with a font editor? You don't have to download anything.It's already on your computer if you're running Windows XP, Vista or 7. (I'm not sure about laterversions.) To access it, just click the Run command from your Start menu. In the window that appears,type 'eudcedit' (without the quotes) and click the OK button. The editor is primitive at best. Informationabout how to use it can be found in the Help menu of the program.

Font Constructor (Mac OS X)

[Update: this program is no longer available.]Font Constructor is a Mac program that lets you construct your own font. The font can be exported as an .otf file (aPostScript TrueType font). At the time this review was written, the software does not support kerning or hinting.

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